Realistic modeling of the thermal phenomena in the presence of
phase shift materials.
Realistic modeling of the thermal phenomena in the
presence of phase shift materials.
D. Barchiesi,
A. Vial,
S. Hudlet,
S. Petit,
T. Grosges
Group for Nanotechnology and Optical Instrumentation
University of Technology of Troyes,
12 rue Marie Curie - BP 2060
F-10010 Troyes cedex
To model and study the nano-transformations induced by a local probe
in phase shift materials.
To develop algorithms of resolution of the equation of heat by
taking into account the complex materials and geometries.
Development of software for simulations by Finite Elements and for
time propagation of the solution (standard Runge-Kutta).
Results and prospects
The problem consists in describing the interaction between
phase shift material and the probe in near-field.
In the case, corresponding to the writing of information, the process
can be described by the interaction of a polarized electromagnetic field
and a frayed metal probe.
This produce a field enhancement phenomenon, related to the tip effect.
This effect makes it possible to increase considerably the density of
energy under the tip what causes a local heating responsible for the
phase shift into the material.
The size of the zone of writing depends on the control of the optical
and thermal process of transformation.
To describe the light-matter interaction, we developed a model based
on Finite Elements (FEM: Finite Element Method, 2D and 3D).
FEM approach makes it possible to describe coupled problems
(optics-thermics...) with complex materials and geometries, harmonic or
stationary, i.e. time independent.
This type of model is adapted to the study of the phase shift of certain
materials, induced by the heating related to lighting.
We showed in particular the importance and the influence of the
electromagnetic intensity on the solution of the equation of heat.
Moreover, the development of the 3D methods should make it possible to
extend the applicability to more complex objects (without particular symmetry).
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