Development of pseudo-random generator based on exotic multi-physics
systems: application to cryptography.
Development of pseudo-random generator based on exotic
multi-physics systems: application to cryptography.
M. Francois,
D. Barchiesi,
R. Erra
T. Grosges
University of Technology of Troyes
12 rue Marie Curie - BP 2060 - F-10010 Troyes cedex , France
We want to develop a new pseudo-random generator based on exotic multi-physics
process in order to assure high level of security in data storing.
This problem is known as the process of measurement and signal treatment.
Development of process and algorithms in order to optimize the pseudo-random
characteristics of the generator.
Results and prospects
The generation of encryption secret-keys with high level
of security is crucial to assure secure enduring data storage.
The use of nanoobjects and the optical response permit to produce
a complex optical tomography map, which can be used as a pseudorandom
Such a generator is the basis of the secret key construction for encryption.
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