Optimization and design of nano/micro structures by plasmonics
for sensors and biomedical applications.
Optimization and design of nano/micro structures by plasmonics
for sensors and biomedical applications.
D. Barchiesi
T. Grosges
University of Technology of Troyes
12 rue Marie Curie - BP 2060 - F-10010 Troyes cedex , France
We want to optimize material and geometry of nano/micro structures in order
to increase the optical response of the material.
This problem is known as the design of structures.
Development of algorithms in order to optimize structure and geometry of
Results and prospects
An adapted method of optimization of coated metallic nanoparticles is
introduced to perform the optimal choice of material and sizes for better
scattering or absorption efficiency.
This design of nanoshells, involving plasmon resonance, is achieved
in order to maximize the efficiency factors. The presented method is turned to
tune the efficiency of nanoshells for biomedical application and an
increasing of the efficiency factors by one or two order of magnitude is
predicted with realistic materials.
In the same way, the efficiency of plasmon-resonance-based sensors
can be greatly improved with such an accurate design of the
nano-structures that constitute them.
Therefore, we also focus our attention on the design of a particular kind of
these nanometric structures that consists of planar multilayered systems
for an accurate design of the nano-structures that constitute sensors.
We show the significant influence, on the plasmon resonance
conditions, of the intermediate layer used to adhere
a thin film of gold to a dielectric substrate. To illustrate this
effect, we consider different intermediate layers to compute
the optimal geometry that vanish the reflected energy. For
this, we use the S-formulation and an evolutionary method
for the electromagnetic and the optimization problems, respectively.
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